Musou Orochi Dousa Check

Name: Musou Orochi Dousa Check
Name (Original): 無双OROCHI 動作チェック
Publisher: Koei, 2008
Download Link: (84MB)
Interactive: No
My Benchmark Result: 58.9FPS
Notes: Open in Winzip (or your preferred program), navigate to the "Ver1_1" folder and just extract OROCHI_Checker.exe (the install file). The install wizard gave me an error while installing, but continued anyway. The left-most button on the menu is "Benchmark." Also known as "Orochi Warriors."
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Musou Orochi is a hack-and-slash crossover between Koei's Shin Sangokumusou and Sengoku Musou series. The benchmark shows three different characters running through a level (one after another) attacking various enemy opponents. No music or sound effects, and when coupled with the long running time, makes it tedious to watch. Annoying "Musuo Orochi Benchmark" text blinks constantly in the middle of the screen. Test score shown as framerate. No options to tweak. Not recommended.

Video (first 60 seconds):